The 2 drawings of the left represent what the other ones think of l 'Harlequin.

While the 2 of the right represent what he thinks of him. .

The other ones see it empty like a being, without intelligence, without thoughts.

However him sees itself full, full of intelligence.

The other ones, apart from empty veure’l, see it closed, captive, believe that it is obligatory and it does not have more remedy that is where it is.

How can see, the lines that l’envolten close up towards him, pressing it, keeping it still, motionless.


However, he sees freed, the one that wants is free of making, if it is there it is because it wants. Because he believes that it is there well, better than in any other place. Because of that the lines that open being l’envolten, expressing freedom.

©2007 joelmmiro
